Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Random Wednesdays

Once, my nickname was random for things like this. Enjoy.

Comrade Obama is leading us all to Prosperity. He will lead us to the Glorious Revolution that all True Freedom Fighters desire. The bourgeoisie’s days are numbered. The proletariat will rise to full glory. Comrade Obama was Anointed by The People of North America in a Glorious Victory over the party of the Evil Capitalist Slave Drivers. Doubting Him is worthy of punishment by hard labor in the outreaches of our Evil Empire Nation in the depths of winter and the height of summer. The second offense is punishable by working as a laborer for a Community Organizer. His HealthCare Plan, ordained by The People, shows his true compassion for the Common Man, the True American, the Worker. Straight from the pages of the Glorious Communist Manifesto to the streets of the nation of the Evil Capitalist Empire, it will ensure Equality amongst all men. The only alternative is a bullet from the gun of a Glorious Freedom Fighter Worker. This speaks for not just the American Worker, but Workers the world over.